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Buy On Google – Sell On Google Now! Pros And Cons Explained!

The Buy on Google Now button appears in the mobile Google Shopping results. The user can click on the desired product and is then forwarded to a landing page. On this landing page, the user can buy the product directly without leaving Google. The user does not get to the seller’s shop but remains on Google. Various third-party payment options such as PayPal are offered. Similar to Amazon, the responsibility for customer communication and reverse processing lies with the seller.

The new function “Purchases on Google” has been available for advertisers in the USA as a beta phase for some time. The new Buy on Google Now button function can be found in your Merchant Center (currently the only USA).

The Buy on Google Now buttons feature shows which direction Google would like to develop in the future. Google would like to assert itself against Amazon and eBay and offer a new marketplace to continue to bind dealers and advertisers to itself.

Of course, the new Buy Button feature also has its advantages and disadvantages.

Cons of Buy on Google Now Button

  • Advertisers are making themselves even more dependent on Google.
  • Additional purchases and shopping cart values ​​will decrease.
  • Customer loyalty is not promoted. Shops are also losing traffic.
  • New costs through commission payments to Google
  • Loss of control over your customers. Missing data, for example, does not allow a retargeting campaign.

Benefits Buy on Google Now Button

  • Mobile traffic will convert better and will have a cost-reducing effect on your performance.
  • With the Buy Button, Google offers good and important competition against Amazon’s rapidly increasing market position.
  • The retail and medium-sized businesses are relieved by the efficient solution on the part of Google. Development costs for a well-functioning mobile shop are reduced.
  • More efficient display based on Google’s collected user data across all platforms

Over the years, Google has caught up, and Amazon has always defied. The shopping experience was repeatedly adapted to the needs of the user.

Whether the new Google Buy Now button function will also be rolled out in Germany has not yet been announced by Google.

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