Customer Intelligence: How To Achieve Personalized Experiences

The consumer shopping experience has a strong emotional component. Today, more than ever, brands that are able to accompany and be close to their...

Differences Between Data Encryption, Data Masking And Data Scrambling

A very common mistake among many of the people who work with data is to mistake data protection techniques. Data encryption and data masking,...

10 Keys To Improve Your Employability

If you want to find a job, you have to know what the keys are to improve your employability. We tell you about them...

Business Ideas That You Still Don’t Know

In our monthly selection of international businesses that are already successful in other countries, we propose 7 ideas that have surprised us by their...

Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning For Data Management

Our work every day confirms that we are passing through and co-creating Data 4.0 at every step. But data by itself does not drive...

How The Cloud Drives Business Innovation

What is the role of data in your company? And in your marketing campaigns? And in business and innovation decisions? How relevant have the...

Data, Information And Big Data: Basic Concepts

Already fully immersed in the Data 4.0 era, the importance of data is not questioned: it is increasingly central to the strategy of companies....

The Post-COVID-19 Scenario Will Boost The Real Connection Between Companies

The COVID-19 crisis has completely transformed our way of living, acting, and planning. Everything indicates that, as soon as we return to normality, many...

Benefits Of Social Networks In Companies

Those of us who are dedicated to working in this great universe often find ourselves in the position of having to explain in our...

The Best Social Networks For Companies

The importance of social media in a digital marketing and communication plan is undeniable. For business, even more, social networks can bring many benefits...

Important Steps To Implement An Effective Mailing Strategy

Today, mailing strategies are the order of the day both among small businesses and among large companies that dominate the global market. This online...

Touch Screens For Your Business. Which One Do You Prefer?

Touch screens, the solution that offers a large amount of information and services with a simple swipe of the finger or a stylus. We tell...

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