Home DIGITAL MARKETING Dynamic Remarketing, What Does It Consist Of?

Dynamic Remarketing, What Does It Consist Of?

The Remarketing Dynamic is the name given to a form of marketing consistent in showing our products or services as posting to a person who has previously visited our website or our ad in a particular social network.

Surely you have ever entered an online travel agency to browse or to compare prices. Then you have seen those advertisements from the same online travel agency on other internet pages. Or maybe the tourist destination you were interested in. Have you clicked on the advertisement for a product and then have you come across advertisements for the same product on various websites subsequently? Have you started making a purchase in an online store and after adding a couple of products, have you closed the page without completing the purchase? Do you see ads for a specific store on the web all day? No, it is not by chance. No magic. Nor have they launched a massive ad campaign to appear everywhere. They have signed up for Dynamic Remarketing.

More and more businesses and brands do it. The reason is that very good results are obtained based on the investment. Traditional remarketing may seem similar, but when configuring the guidelines, the advertiser has fewer limitations when it comes to segmenting and deciding what type of use their advertising will be shown to than with Dynamic Remarketing.

Dynamic Remarketing With Google AdWords

There are many platforms with which to do Dynamic Remarketing campaigns. The three best known and most used are Google AdWords, Criteo, and TEllApart. Of all of them, the most interesting, and that gives the best results for businesses based on the sale of products or services is Remarketing in Google AdWords, which is based on a data feed.

Summing up the process, it is about creating a document so that Google knows what products or services you want to promote. The campaign is named first, then a bid strategy is created and a budget is assigned. Other issues are defined below, including the type of business you have. After adding all the details of the ads you want to show, AdWords will create dynamic banners with the product information. And it will show them to users who have interacted with your website with the parameters you have determined. For example, who has visited your website. Or a specific page or product sheet of the same. You have probably already made a purchase in your online store. Or also that they have abandoned a cart in your online store without having completed the purchase process.

As you already know, most of the searches are carried out through Google so taking advantage of the possibility of promotion is always a good idea that will allow you to achieve a very high level of coverage and persuasion.

Advantages Of Dynamic Remarketing For The Advertiser

Dynamic Remarketing offers many advantages. The main one is that it is aimed at a user who has already shown interest in your business. It is easier to sell a product or service to someone who is already a customer of yours than to attract a new customer. And it is also easier to convert someone who has already shown some kind of interest in you into a customer than someone who does not know your brand. That is why the conversion rate of this type of advertising is so high and it is so interesting to invest in this type of advertising.

When someone abandons a cart or shopping basket in an online store it can be due to many reasons. Sometimes just on impulse. Others because at that moment something else came up and he had to stop what he was doing. In these cases, when they see the possibility of resuming their purchase with just one click, the chances of success of that ad are very high. The user may feel that things are made easier and ends up completing the purchase process.

The fact that you can show your ads to users who have already been your customers makes loyalty increase dramatically. That they buy you a product or order service can be something occasional. When it occurs twice, the probability that there will be a third time increases exponentially. And after this most of the customers go on to become regular customers. Regular customers, faced with two similar purchase proposals, will opt for the already known product. Even if it is slightly less advantageous for them in principle.

Impact On The User

Another advantage of taking this into account when carrying out Dynamic Remarketing campaigns is that the user will value the repeated display of your brand. You will regard it as a sign of power and greatness. This can lead him to value your business as a benchmark in its sector. When you see ads and banners on different media and websites, you may think that your business is big. This is often perceived as a synonym for guarantee, solvency, and quality.

We must also highlight the advantage of Dynamic Remarketing as a brand enhancer. If the user came to your website by chance, for example through the search engine or a third party link, without knowing it before, to see it again in the following days in different media, it will make him remember his name and his services, as well as the reason why you were interested in visiting it. And he will perceive it as interesting to him.

Also Read: What Is Influencer Marketing?

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